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Practical course in winter semester 2021/2022 (LMU)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller, Dr. Karl Fürlinger


  • For current news please refer to the German version of this page.

Topics of the practical course

This practical course is intended for students of the LMU and counts as part of the Computer Science Bachelor and Media Informatics Bachelor degree programs. During the practical course, selected problems and issues from the field of system-oriented programming will be dealt with. Topics and tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • Specification of interfaces and modular structures of system software
  • Formatted input/output
  • Parser construction
  • CPU scheduling
  • Processes and their management
  • Process communication and synchronization methods
  • Signals, pipes and sockets
  • Communication protocols
  • The TCP/IP protocol family
  • The client/server model


In contrast to the software development practical course, previous knowledge of a specific programming language is not required. The required basic knowledge of the C programming language is taught in accompanying lectures and through practical excises at the start of the lecture period. Nevertheless, it is useful to have or learn basic knowledge of an imperative programming language (e.g. C/C++, Java) beforehand. It is also useful to be familiar with text editors.

Prerequisites for the participation of this practical course:

  • Basic knowledge of an imperative programming language
  • Place allocation via central registration

An accompanying attendance of the lecture Operating Systems is also advisable, but not mandatory. Some of the concepts from the lecture will be practically implemented/applied in this course. Both courses complement each other in this sense.

Schedule and Registration

Details about the schedule and registration for this course can be found in the German version of this page.

Lecture material

Slides are published on Uni2Work, the corresponding video recordings are available on LMUCast.

Assignment sheets

The exercise sheets are only available in German.

  • Introduction to Programming with C. These exercises are not to be handed in, they serve as a self-control of your skills. Work on these exercises on your own and, if necessary, with support from the tutors.


If you have any questions, criticism or suggestions, please write an e-mail to

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • FAQ2: What is the rough schedule of this practical course?

    This course takes place during the entire lecture period and is divided into two phases. The introductory phase (roughly the first three weeks of the lecture period) is concerned with teaching basic concepts in systems programming and an introduction to the C language. For this purpose there is a series of lectures introducing the contents and exercise sheets with small programming examples to be worked on by the students themselves.

    In the subsequent group or project phase, small groups work on a project with predefined content milestones. For example, a client for a simulated board game could be implemented as a project, whereby concepts such as the creation of processes and threads, inter-process communication, message exchange, synchronization, and memory management are realized step by step. Tutors will be available to assist during both the introductory phase and the group phase.