Urgent Computing with Special Emphasis on Hydro-Meteo Disaster Management
Lecture in Winter Semester 2013/14
Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller, Dr. A. Parodi, Dr. M. Schiffers

Source: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft e.V.
Welcome to the Web page of the lecture Urgent Computing with Special Emphasis on Hydro-Meteo Disaster Management in Winter Semester 2013/2014. On this page you will find all information relating to the lecture.
Wie besprochen findet am kommenden Donnerstag (30.1.) die letzte Vorlesung statt. Wie vereinbart treffen wir uns diesmal
nicht im Hauptgebäude, sondern wie in der letzten Woche in der Oettingenstr im Raum E U102.
last slide set for this lecture is published in the
download area.
Lecture Change: Instead of meeting on Thursday, 23.1., we meet on Wednesday, 22.1., 16:00 ct in room E U 102, Oettingenstr.
The second slide set for disaster management is published in the
download area.
The new slide set is published in the
download area. It contains the first part of an introduction to disaster management.
First of all: Happy New Year.
This is also a reminder for the special LRZ tour on January 9th 2014. We will meet for the tour
9th January 2014 at 10:30 in the LRZ lobby in Garching.
Reminder: We finished yesterday this year's in-class lecture. For in-class we will meet again on January 16th 2014. However, we agreed on a special LRZ tour on January 9th 2014. The tour will start on 9th January 2014 at 10:30 at the LRZ in Garching. It will last roughly 90 minutes. For better planning please indicate to us by email your participation as soon as possible.
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.
The model summaries (excerpt from
Roger Pielke's book on Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling) have been added to the
download area.
The new slide set is published in the
download area. It contains a revised version of the last set and the second part of the introduction to hydro-meteo.
The new slide set is published in the
download area.
The new slide set is published in the
download area. Note that it contains a lot more material than we will actually discuss :-)
The new slide set is published in the
download area. Note that we use this time a tutorial given by Alfons Hoekstra from the University of Amsterdam at the Barcelona Multiscale Summer School in June 2013.
Smart reminder: The next face-2-face is next Thursday.
Next slide set is published in the
download area.
Time and room are fix now: Thursday 10:00ct in room A016 of the LMU Main Building. See also below.

Urgent Computing is gaining more and more importance in the context of distributed systems. This can in large parts be attributed to the recent availability of high performance e-infrastructures like PRACE, EGI, XSEDE, and their unprecedented computing and storage resources (like for example the SuperMUC at LRZ) which are a prerequisite of deadline driven high performance computing "on demand" across Grids and Clouds. Urgent Computing implies several unsolved research questions like advance reservation of resources, prioritized execution of long-running jobs, or the management of dynamic priority schemes. Application scenarios typically relate to developing advanced systems taking real-time data and enabling enhanced emergency situation and disaster management systems which is of paramount importance for the society and its critical infrastructures. Urgent Computing operates under a strict deadline after which the computational results may have little practical value where the onset of the event that necessitates the computation is unpredictable and where the computation requires significant resource usage.
One important use case is the management of and the reaction to flash floods (The above picture depicts a 3D representation of a high-resolution (1km) numerical model predicting the precipitation that generated the Genoa 4 November 2011 flash flood. The image is courtesy Nicola Rebora, CIMA Research Foundation, Italy.)
The lectures focuses on this multi-disciplinary topic in general and the ICT/Hydro-Meteo aspects in particular.
The lecture is organized in two blocks. While the ICT related block investigates the suitability of current e-infrastructures (Grids, Clouds, Web Services, Swarms) for Urgent Computing in general and Hydro-Meteo research (HMR) in particular, the HMR related block addresses typical HMR questions in this context. After a short introduction to EU weather scenarios we will discuss the spatial and temporal scales of extreme weather conditions (wind storms, thunderstorms, forest fire) and how to model them. An important aspect will be the computability of these models on various ICT infrastructures. Both aspects (ICT and HMR) will eventually be combined if we apply the findings to Urgent Computing in a very specific extreme weather phenomenon (the 2011 Genoa flash-flood) using services developed by the EU-funded DRIHM project (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology). Finally we will outline concepts for a future earth-system prediction initiative including a roadmap towards Urgent Computing-based world climate research.
We will try to supplement the lecture by invited talks of external experts.
Most of the lectures will be given in English.
The lecture will be part of the module "Vertiefende Themen der Informatik". It is a two-hour lecture without exercises. It counts for 3 ECTS points.
There are no prerequisites. However, a successful participation in the lecture on Grid Computing would be beneficial.
Oral examinations will be conducted at the end of the lectures.
The lecture will be held every Thursday, 10:00 ct, in room A016 of the LMU Main Building, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1.
A corresponding slide script will be available in the download area. The area is password protected. The access code will be communicated in the first lecture.
to be announced.
email or after the lecture or by separate arrangements